Friday, November 1


A design duo based in Massachusetts, Nervous System works in generative design to produce beautifully intricate and complex forms.

Informed by the biological processes and patterns found in nature, Nervous System reproduces these natural algorithms digitally.
These digital forms are then manufactured through technologies such as 3D printing or laser cutting, resulting in stunning art, jewellery and housewares that play on the juxtaposition of the natural and the manufactured. 

The above body of work, 'Orbicular Lamp', is based around the process of veins forming in leaves.

Thursday, October 24

'Bring the spring back' Byron Dauncey

This gorgeous photograph is by Vancouver based photographer Byron Dauncey. It is currently on display in an exhibition called 'Cameraman' which is a part of the annual Capture photography festival that is currently on in Vancouver. 

Sunday, October 13

'Over Time' - Johnathan Zawada

Landscape topographies derived from graph data were modeled in 3D and then oil paintings created from those 3D renders.

Over Time was presented at Prism Gallery, Los Angeles from December 16, 2010 – February 28, 2011.

Friday, October 11

Sunday, October 6

Community Hammock

'Net' was designed by Numen/For Use - a Croatian-Austrian design collective working in the fields of scenography, industrial design, spatial design and conceptual art. 

Net consists of multiple layers of flexible nets suspended in the air. The flat layers of the net are subsequently connected to one another on counterpoints thus forming a “floating landscape" open for visitors to climb in and explore. The result is an op-art social sculpture (or a community hammock) relating to topics of instability, levitation and regression. 

Saturday, September 28

Hertta Kiiski

Hertta Kiiski is an artist from Finland, and this image of herself and her two daughters was part of an exhibition called '2000 & 11 SELF_PORTRAITS' that was on display in Turku, Finland in 2012.